- Vegetables – Prepare Veggie beds by adding compost to the soil. If planning to plant seeds, such as Beets make sure the compost is aged or you may get lots of green leaves and no beets. Side Dress winter spinach plants with Bloodmeal (apply a finger thick line of bloodmeal along one side of each row of spinach). Buy Tomatoes by mid month while the supply is good, plant into garden once danger of frost is passed.
- Warm Season Annuals - Mid to late April (once frost season has passed) is the time to start planting warm season annuals, such as Lobelia, Cosmos, and Petunias. Warm weather is on its way and cool season plants, such as Iceland Poppies, Calendula, and Pansies will perform best, here in Sonoma County, when planted in the fall. One exception is some varieties of Pansies and Violas, if protected from scorching sun they can keep going into summer.
- Pruning- Rhododendrons: After flowers fade from your Rhododendrons, remove the spent flowers to encourage flowers for next year and discourage seeds from forming. Look closely at the base of the old flower and snap the entire old flower out. pushing it between the new buds at the base without knocking off the new buds that will flower next year. Erigeron: Can be sheared several times a year to 3 inches high. Letting Erigeron do what they want creates a huge, rangy plant that reseeds profusely (giving Erigeron a bad name for being "invasive"). Watch The Gardening Tutor Video: Shearing to Encourage Flowers and Foliage. Wait to prune early flowering shrubs, such as Lilacs until all the flowers have bloomed and faded. Tip pinch Fuchsias as they grow up to encourage branching which means more flowers! Although it may be too late to hard prune fuchsias they can still be tip pruned. For a full tutorial Watch The Gardening Tutor Video: How to Prune Fuchsias.
- Pest Management- Before reaching for a pesticide, try using a strong stream of water from the hose to wash some pests, such as aphids from roses and other plants. Remember, weeds are used by insects for growing their populations. Weeding is one of the best ways to start managing pest insects early by removing their habitat. Sometimes beneficial insects, such as Lady Beetles (Ladybugs) may also be found in patches of weeds. When lady beetle young, called Lions, are found (see photo) gently move them over to a plant with some aphids. Moving to any plant will do but leaving the lions near their food source is great!
- Fertilizing– Roses, Clematis hybrids and Fuchsias will appreciate some all purpose fertilizer (Mary uses Maxsea). Citrus also love Maxsea fertilizer. Watch: Two Quick Methods to Apply Liquid Fertilizer. In general, most plants that are starting to push new growth this month would like some fertilizer. One last fertilizing for all winter annuals before they get pulled next month to install all the warm-season annuals.
- Weeding– For some gardeners, getting rid of weeds can be one of the most therapeutic tasks to do in the garden. Remember to remove the whole root of taproot types of weeds, such as Dandelions, or they can grow back. A tap root is shaped like a carrot. Other weeds have fibrous roots that look like a cluster of fine roots. New as well as seasoned gardeners may like to Watch The Gardening Tutor Video: Weeds - How they Grow and How to Manage Them.
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ALL CONTENT by Mary Frost (no AI).