- Pruning - Alstroemeria - once a stem has finished flowering, pull the stem completely out by using a quick tug. If you feel that if you tug roots want to come out then put your fingers on each side of the stem at ground level and then pull it out. This will tell your Alstroemeria to make new stems. No new growth happens on the stem once you cut for flower harvest or the flowers are finished. Continue to prune off spent Fuchsia flowers. Shape Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage) by cutting back to healthy side shoots. Clean up unwanted growth on frost hardy vines. Erigeron, Teucrium chamaedrys, Alyssum, Oregano can still be sheared if you missed doing this task in August. Watch The Gardening Tutor Video: Shearing Plants to Encourage Flowers or Foliage. Frost season in Sonoma County begins at the end of October so shear plants in time for them to fill in and bloom again before frost. Contact Mary for an Appointment to Learn What to Prune Now.
- Pest Management - Notice which frost-hardy plants have powdery mildew and plan to spray when dormant. You can spray them now but depending on the plant the fungicide may just roll off the mildew and not get rid of the problem. Continue to bait for snails, slugs, earwigs and sowbugs (especially where you plan to plant new bloomers or veggies). When digging in the soil you may find immature pests that look like caterpillars (cutworms) or little, hard brown cocoon-like (pupa), discard these in hot, soapy water.
- Fertilizing- Summer annuals can continue to be fertilized once or twice a month until frost kills the plant. Mary uses Maxsea fertilizers.
- Mulch - Fall is a great time to apply mulch to the garden. Watch The Gardening Tutor's Video: Mulch vs. Compost.
- Weeding - Bermuda Grass is hitting its peak now before it starts to go dormant in winter. What an insidious weed! Herbicides only brown the top grass blades and do not kill the whole plant. The roots can go down several feet in the soil. Bermuda Grass spreads by seed, by underground rhizomes (underground roots) and stolens (above ground roots)! Pulling it out by as many roots as you can is really the best management. Sheet mulching can work somewhat too.
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ALL CONTENT by Mary Frost (no AI).